

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2014-04-18   浏览:

郭建维,教授,立博体育|亚洲最大博彩平台。毕业于天津大学有机化工专业(本、硕)、华南理工大学工业催化专业(博士)。西北工业大学高分子材料博士后,California State University(Fullerton,USA)、Aston University(UK)、University of Brighton(UK)等大学访问学者。中国高分子专家智库委员会副主任委员,广东省“千百十”工程省级培养对象(第3批),广东省化工学会精细化工专业委员会委员,广东省化学学会高分子专业委员会委员,《Biomedical Engineering Theory & Practice》编委,《立博博彩》编委。国家科学技术奖、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金评审专家。获国家科技奖1项,省部级科技进步奖7项,成果鉴定10项,获得授权发明专利30多件,发表论文300多篇。培养硕士研究生80多人,博士研究生13人、博士后5人。




1 Minzimo Song,Xiaoxuan Liu,Hangbo Yue,Jianwei Guo*,4D printing of PLA/PCL-based bio-polyurethane via moderate cross-linking to adjust the microphase separation, Polymer, 2022, 21(256): 125190.

2 Mingyu Qiao,Guoqing Zhang,Jianhui Deng,Jiangyun Zhang*, Jianwei Guo*, Electrospun polyimide@organic-montmorillonite composite separator with enhanced mechanical and thermal performances for high-safety lithium-ion battery,Journal of Materials Science,2022 57(25):1-13.

3 Hangbo Yue, Yuechao, Jiachang Xu, Jianwei Guo*, Characterization and properties of plywood bioadhesive derived from cottonseed protein and sawdust cellulose, Cellulose,2022, 29(10).

4 Liangjun Li, Hangbo Yue, Qiqi Wu, Jianwei Guo*, Unveiling the reinforcement effects in cottonseed protein/polycaprolactone blend biocomposites, Composites Science and Technology,2022, 225:109480.

5 Lili Cai, Jiawei Lin, Mingyu Qiao, Yong-Guang Jia, Jianwei Guo*, Multiregulation of Aggregation‐Induced Emission (AIE) via a Competitive Host–Guest Recognition and α ‐Amylase Hydrolyzing, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 223(9): 2200022.

6 Dongyu Zhu, Zhipeng Chen, Zhanpeng Hong, Jianwei Guo *, Injectable Thermo-sensitive and Wide-crack Self-healing Hydrogel Loaded with Antibacterial Anti-inflammatory Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate for Full-Thickness Skin Wound Repair, Acta Biomaterialia, 2022, 143: 203-215.

7 Lili Cai,Huatang Zhang,Jianwei Guo*,Sa Liu, Polypseudorotaxanes Derived from Tetraphenylethylene: Preparation and Tandem-Activated Aggregation-Induced Emission,Biomacromolecules, 2021, 22(5): 2248-2255.

8 Wen Weiqiu, Guo Chong, Guo Jianwei*, Acid-Responsive Adamantane-Cored Amphiphilic Block Polymers as Platforms for Drug Delivery, · Nanomaterials ,2021, 11(1):188.

9 Lili Cai, Sa Liu, Jianwei Guo*, Yong-Guang Jia, Polypeptide-Based Self-Healing Hydrogels: Design and Biomedical Applications, · Acta Biomaterialia,2020, 113: 84-100.

10 Dong Yu Zhu, Xin Jie Chen, Zhan Peng Hong, Guo Jianwei*, Repeatedly Intrinsic Self-Healing of Millimeter-Scale Wounds in Polymer through Rapid Volume Expansion Aided Host-Guest Interaction, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2020, 12(20): 22534-22542.

11 Weiqiu Wen,·Peter S Shuttleworth,Hangbo Yue, Jianwei Guo*, Exceptionally Stable Microporous Organic Frameworks with Rigid Building Units for Efficient Small Gas Adsorption and Separation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(6): 7548-7556.

12 Guo Jian-Wei, Wang Chih-Feng, Chen Shih-Hsun, Lai Juin-Yih, Lu Chien-Hsing, Chen Jem-Kun*, Highly efficient self-cleaning of heavy polyelectrolyte coated electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous membrane for separation of oil/water emulsions with intermittent pressure, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 234: 116106.

13 Guo, Jian-Wei; Huang, Bohr-Ran; Lai, Juin-Yih; Lu, Chien-Hsing*; Chen, Jem-Kun* Reversibly photoswitchable gratings prepared from azobenzene-modified tethered poly(methacrylic acid) brush as colored actuator, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2020, 304: 127275.

14 Guo, Jian-Wei; Lin, Feng-Ping; Chang, Chi-Jung; Lu, Chien-Hsing*; Chen, Jem-Kun*, Sandwich-structured displays encapsulating polystyrene microspheres coated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles for label-free biosensing for electrorheological operation,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2020, 302: 127185.

15 Chen Zhimin, Wen Weiqiu, Guo Jianwei*, Hypoxia sensitive micelles based on amphiphilic chitosan derivatives for drug Controlled-Release. Polymers for advanced Technologies, 2021, 32(8): 3113-3122.

16 Jian-Wei Guo, Chih-Feng Wang, Jem-Kun Chen, Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-gelatin hydrogel membranes with thermo-tunable pores for water flux gating and protein separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 618:118732.

17 Yang C. F., Yin L., Yuan C., Liu W. Y., Guo J. W., Shuttleworth P. S., Yue H. B., Lin W. J. DPD simulations and experimental study on r立博博彩ction-sensitive polymeric micelles self-assembled from

PCL-SS-PPEGMA for doxorubicin controlled release. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2021, 204: 111797.

18 Wen W. Q., Guo C., Guo J. W*. Acid-Responsive Adamantane-Cored Amphiphilic Block Polymers,as Platforms for Drug Delivery. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(1): 188.

